Sunday, December 29, 2019

Public Health And Homelessness An Injury Or An Illness

Fernando Silva Professor Hendricks English Composition 1101 November 20, 2014 Public Health and Homelessness It may seem farfetched that in today’s America an injury or an illness would lead to homelessness, but for over half a million Americans this is very much a reality. An injury that affects work functions will make it impossible to work under regular conditions and force the employee to take unwanted time off work. Leaving work for extended periods of time will exhaust sick/medical leave and will force them to turn to other alternatives to provide for their family, such as loans or credit cards. With debt pilling up and unable to work, filling bankruptcy is the final and only option available. The American Journal of Medicine states that in 2007, 62% of the 1 million bankruptcies in America were due to medical debt. 92% of the half million in medical debt had over $5,000 in medical bills. In this situation medical debt will quickly exhaust any savings, and relying on family/friends would only last as long as their patience. With poor health, no income, and limited support it will sooner than later lead to a path of homelessness (Himmelstein et al. 1). Once homeless, further health degradation is often seen due to exposure to diseases and failure to seek medical help and/or treatment. Without being able to get medical help, existing health conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, and asthma become much worse. Other non-health related conditions also play a factorShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons People Become Homeless909 Words   |  4 Pagesreasons. In Maryland alone, more than 50,000 people experience homelessness annually (Health Care). Before families or individuals beco me homeless, they go through a series of devastating occurrences that are mostly unintentional and sudden. Some people become homeless from causes such as a family dispute, divorce, substance abuse, loss of a job, or gambling. While all of these issues and many others are contributing factors in homelessness, anyone can become homeless at any time, and some of the mostRead MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness And Homelessness889 Words   |  4 Pagesthan 50,000 people experience homelessness annually (Health Care for the Homeless). Before a family or an individual becomes homeless, they go through a series of devastating occurrences that are mostly unintentional and sudden. Some people become homeless from causes such as a family dispute, divorce, substance abuse, or gambling. The problem of homelessness is not easy to solve, but people need to understand that some of the prominent causes are a mental disorder, illness, loss of a job and domesticRead MoreHealth Disparities Among Homeles s Women And Their Children1015 Words   |  5 Pages Health Disparities Among Homeless Women and Their Children Geraldine Barron Denver School of Nursing Cohort C â€Æ' Health Disparities Among Homeless Women and Their Children Health care disparities is known for its vulnerability among low income and minority status populations. Of most concern are the vulnerable population subgroups known by the harsh environments in which they live, their endangered and unhealthy life styles and the illnesses and injuries that afflict them. â€Å"These subpopulationsRead MoreVulnerable Population : The Homeless1212 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferent types of individuals, many of those being homeless. Homeless persons are high risk individuals requiring ED services due to their poor health status, high rates of morbidity, lack of health insurance, chronic use of alcohol and drug abuse, unintentional injuries and much more (Tang, Stein, Hsia, Maselli Gonzales, 2010). According to the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (2015), a homeless person is defined as an individual without permanent housing who may or may not be livingRead MoreHealth Care For The Homeless1256 Words   |  6 Pagesaccess to health care related to many factors. The homeless face health risks and are more likely to suffer from mental health issues and chronic health problems. They are exposed to the elements and have poor nutrition and limited access to health care (Potter, Perry, Stockert, and Hall, 2015, p. 620). As a result of limited access, they have less of an opportunity to receive help to prevent or treat illness and injuries. By not receiving help from care providers, their risk for injuries, infectionRead MoreWhat Causes Homelessness? The United States Of America884 Words   |  4 Pagescauses homelessness? Homelessness is a major problem in the United States of America. Homelessness is a state in which people do not have a place to stay in for a period of time and are always spending their time on the streets. From a teenage eluding a bad environment, to an elderly citizen on a fine tuned income that is not enough to cover a rent or the tax increase, to a child whose parents lost their job out of nowhere and became unemployed are what leads to homelessness (â€Å"Homelessness ResourceRead MoreA Vulnerable Population: The Homeless in America919 Words   |  4 PagesHomeless in America Introduction Homelessness in America should be a growing concern. When discussing the United States current economic crisis comparisons with the Great Depression are becoming more and more common. Tent cities or makeshift shelters in specified areas or just beyond city limits are becoming familiar sites across the country. Each of these cities contains dozens if not hundreds of families struggling to just survive (Maide, 2010). Homelessness can be defined as the lack of aRead MoreStudent s Perceptions Of Homeless Persons Essay886 Words   |  4 Pagestoward them (Boydell, Goering, Morrell-Bellai, 2000; Harter, Berquist, Titsworth, Novak, Brokaw, 2005). Persons wanting to work with homeless individuals should be aware of any biases they bring with them when working with this population. Homelessness in a growing problem in America today. Several studies have been performed investigating the perceptions of students toward homeless people (Kane, Green, Jacobs, 2010; Phillips, 2015; Speak, Tiple, 2006). Kane, et al. 2010 studied the perceptionsRead MoreThe National Law Center On Homelessness Poverty Essay1666 Words   |  7 PagesThe National Law Center on Homelessness Poverty currently estimates that each year at least 2.5 to 3.5 million Americans sleep in shelters, transitional housing, and public places not meant for human habitation. At least an additional 7.4 million have lost their own homes and are doubled-up with others due to economic necessity. According to Point-in-Time Count, San Diego had 8,692 homeless people. Almost 3,800 of them were sleeping in emergency shelters or transitional housing. The Count showedRead MoreHomelessness888 Words   |  4 PagesAccess to Primary Care for Homeless People in the USA History of the Topic Homelessness is a significant health challenge to care system in the United States. Maness and Khan state that over 610,000 people did not have a shelter in 2013 on any given night (Maness Khan, 2014). Also, a study conducted by Health Quality Ontario (2016) reviewed homelessness interventions between 1995 and 2015. The study indicates that the problem has been in existence for quite some years. According to Maness and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Childhood Development And Head Start - 2402 Words

Early Childhood Development and Head Start The developmental years before children reach the age of kindergarten are very critical in affecting lasting cognitive and social-emotional growth. The occurrences the children have during this time period help structure their futures and have lasting effects on the contributions they make to society later in life. Many children during this time period do not experience quality cognitive and social- emotional occurrences due to poverty or other conditions detrimental to healthy development. Since high quality early child development programs have shown that they can and do make a difference in how children learn and are able to prepare for and proceed in school, it is essential that children in high-risk groups for failure participate in these programs. In this paper, I will discuss the characteristics that make up a high quality early educational program, the benefits of early childhood and a federally funded program called Head Start. Characteristics of a High Quality Early Childhood Development Program According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC, 2014) in order to define a program as high quality, there are ten components, which must be present. They are: positive relationships between children and adults, curriculum based on the standards and goals set by the program and aligned with federal and state guidelines, appropriate teaching designed to meet the needs of the children beingShow MoreRelated Head Start Essay example1667 Words   |  7 PagesHead Start Head Start and Early Head Start are comprehensive child development programs which serve children from birth to age five, pregnant woman and their extended families. They are child-focused programs that have the overall goal of increasing the school readiness of young children in low-income families. . These programs try to prepare young children intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically for their future educational and social endeavors. ( U.S. Department of Health and HumanRead MoreThe Effects Of Pre Kindergarten Programs On Public Schools1705 Words   |  7 Pages Brain development is most rapid in the first five years of life. Educators, economists, business leaders, and politicians all agree that high-quality early learning programs are a key factor in improving a child’s educational and social development for many years to come. These stakeholders are aware that children need the appropriate intervention in order to make meaningful gains across a variety of domains and succeed successfully in their academic development and achievement. They are mindfulRead MoreHead Start1545 Words   |  7 PagesFor this assignment, I conducted much research on the Head Start Program. Head Start is a child development program, which provides aid and assistance to financially less fortunate families. It serves children from birth to age 5, pregnant women, and their families. Head Start is child centered and focuses much attention on preparing young children from low-income families for school. Head Start helps parents improve their basic literacy, numeric skills and employability skills. It promotes childrensRead MoreI Interviewed Provided Me With A Wealth Of Knowledge And Opportunities Essay1667 Words   |  7 Pagesthe future holds beyond teaching young children, but I do know now that the possibilities are limitless in the early childhood/child development field. The first person I interviewed was C. Hawkins in her Head Start class. Mrs. Hawkins is a Head Start Teacher who works with 3 year old children at the Head Start Program in Henderson, NC. Mrs. Hawkins began in the early childhood field as a lead teacher in a childcare center after obtaining her associate’s degree. She worked there for about 9 yearsRead MoreThe Creative Curriculum Program Is An Effective Learning Style981 Words   |  4 PagesThe Creative Curriculum program is an effective learning style that assists preschool children ranging from ages 3 to 5 years old. Founded by a former preschool teacher, Diane Trister Dodge, this early childhood education program with a comprehensive curriculum is structured to be directed by the teacher, but initiated by the children. The philosophy of the Creative Curriculum is to allow the children to learn at their best efforts in an environment that is safe and open for exploration. Child centersRead MoreEarly Childhood Program : Early Head Start Program1313 Words   |  6 PagesWhile there are several early childhood program models from which to choose, not all programs are equal in their goals and outcomes. Parents and policy makers have shown increased awareness for the quality of care and education in childhood programs (Epstein, 1999). A high-quality program is one that ascribes to developmentally appropriate practice while allowing children to take charge of their own education (Epstein, 1999). The author will discuss Early Head Start, Chicago Child-Parent CentersRead MoreThe McMillan Sisters and Early Childhood Education1096 Words   |  5 PagesMcMillian influenced education through their development of the Open-Air Nursery School in more way then one. Not only had they introduced the idea of starting education at a younger age then the fledgling kindergarten program, but their school was devised for kids from low- income areas that needed the extra care as well. A unique concept of the time th at grasped my interest and made me want to discover more about their program and it’s effect on Early Childhood Education. The Open-Air Nursery SchoolRead MoreThe Total Rate Of Poverty1605 Words   |  7 Pagesreaching (Karoly, Kilburn, Cannon, 2005) Early Head Start is a program designed to deliver early interventions to low income pregnant women and low-income families with children whose ages range from birth to three years old. This program was designed to be a bridge that would allow families to break the cycle of poverty through comprehensive and personalized services which address a full range of needs. Early intervention programs, like Early Head Start, provide a vital service to the populations thatRead MoreThe Importance of Early Childhood Education and What it looks Like in America1049 Words   |  5 Pagesare all questions that parents ask themselves as their children start approaching school age. Parents have to face the decision about whether or not to send their children to pre-k before kindergarten, or if they will just send them to kindergarten. Some parents do not realize just how important early childhood education is. Early Childhood Education begins at birth. The first stage, birth to age three, focuses on skill development, which includes tasks such as sitting, walking, feeding themselvesRead MoreEarly Childhood Education For Children From Low Income Households Essay1493 Words   |  6 Pages Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Educators work in the subset of education that focuses on the infant through preschool age group. Early Childhood Education creates a significant difference in a child development and learning abilities. There is a variety of avenues one can explore for their child’s pre-education. These specific programs are known by several different names, two of which are preschool and pre-K. Educators can work in many different programs with in churches, public schools

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Evaluating Capacity of Standard Investment Appraisal Methods

Question: Discuss about the Evaluating Capacity of Standard Investment Appraisal Methods. Answer: Introduction The business financing is a topic where the shareholders benefit is observed by maximising their wealth and also different Stakeholders are kept in mind while creation of funds. The investors are very much interested in the future earnings which can be achieved (Baxamusa, Mohanty and Rao, 2015). The investment appraising methods have come up to assess the managers in decision making and assessing the impacts of the potential investments. The finance is a system where businesses help with getting out its activities. It is necessary for both the new businesses as well as the existing businesses to carry out their business activities and support their operations. The business success is dependent on the usage of various tools linked with money such as when chatting from my credit score well debs. It is important that money is used in an efficient manner and the managers have to see how the funds can be generated effectively (Serguieva and Hunter, 2004). The money can be generated by the businesses through sales of their shares. Subsequent to that, the business works on acquiring more funds from its activities therefore it is significant that management decides about the spending off the money acquired. The current organisations carry out their businesses in all segments in all sizes relying on the decisions of financing the operations. There are different options available with the business for funding. Business financing is all related to making the decisions regarding what kind of investments that have to be made by the business and the best way is to finance these investments. Businesses usually make investment to words the real assets such as the buildings, plant and machinery, inventories, land, etc., even though they also make investments to words financial assets. The financial assets include buying of shares, other businesses, loan investments et cetera. There are individuals hired for managing these investments and carry out all the things which are essential for creating and selling the goods and services in which the business is involved (Kare and Herbst, 2014). So it is important for the business to decide about the kind, quantity of the fund to be raised and the select ion of investment to be done. The business finance studies the way these financial and investment decisions have to be created theoretically and how they are implemented practically. Methods of appraising investment decisions: Different methods can be utilised for investment appraisal. Out of these methods the net present value is vital method. It analyses the difference amount going flows and outflows of cash at the given point of time. The positive values show great outcomes however the other investments also need to be compared along with them. The finance and money linked assessments have been largely used as benchmarks for assessing other businesses performance. The monetary targets and assessments are and reviews are based on benchmarking as per the "most excellent in the industry" (Savvides, n.d.). This is the assessment of business performance and also tells how business has been utilising its financial resources and its capability of making further investments. It recognises the availability of net cash and improvements in the working capital that can be useful for the business. This methodology can be used by the firm when they find that a large amount of capital can be utilised in near future o r if they expect that their realised projects are getting completed. This method has funding to be limited to the most suitable structure of capital that means the level at which the businesses cost of capital will be minimised. This method is based on the discounted cash flow assessment. In this method the present value of every cash flow is discounted at the ventures cost of capital. There is an assumption mean that the cost of capital is already amended as per the risk. To carry out the net present value there is a need for summing up of each of the discounted cash flows. The business can see that amount achieve is the amount which would be generated by the project once the cost has been paid off and the needed return of capital has also been paid off. For making decisions regarding the net present value, if the project is independent then the project has to be accepted till the time the net present value is positive (Lumby and Jones, 2001). In case there are mutually dependent projects then the management has to make a choice among the projects and settle on the one which has the maximum net present value. There are various projects also related with this appraisal method because its key weakness is that the dimensional or level or size of the product is not evaluated and it only considers the amount of returns. Taking an example, NPV which is equivalent to hundred pounds is high for any project which also costs hundred pounds however if any project is costing around 1 million then this hundred pound would not be sufficient. The major benefit of this method is that it is a straightforward assessment of the pounds which can be gained from the project and there is clear-cut indication of what the shareholder can expect (Ro?hrich, 2014). This assessment is commonly used and keeps in mind the risk involved in the project by evaluation of the cost of capital. It also keeps in mind that time value of funds for the project therefore it is taken as one of the most suitable methods of appraisal. The capital budgeting decisions based on this method are usually the conceptually right ones This is a simple kind of assessment for calculating the rate of return from the project. This can be assessed by dividing the mean value of revenues by mean value of the total investments. While assessing the ARR, the revenues have to beutilisedand it has to be compare with the initial amount invested are expected amount of initial investment needed for the project. The selected projects are usually the ones which have the capability of a doing a superior rate of return to other ones. It is a technique where no discounted capital investment is considered because the time value of funds is not included. Usually the concept of this present method is applicable in any department or region where the management wants to choose out of range of projects. It is also useful for comparing the performance of different projects and subsidiaries in a business. There are a few limitations with this practice also however the major limitation is that it is excessively simple technique. This assessme nt method can be very less utilised by investors because investors feel cash flows are very significant however the non-cash charges are also included like amortisation charges, depreciation charges. It doesn't link with the reality that higher risk is there in making long run forecasting. It feels to keep in mind that time value of the finances and therefore many times this method is considered to be a flawed one. There have been cases when the outcomes attain from this method were different from other appraisal methods which had given correct outcome. Ultimately the highly beneficial aspect of this strategy is that it is excessively simple to estimate, simple to understand and also very quick to calculate. When lower risk is involved, it can be utilised to save time and energy. Payback Period Method This method finds out the number of years which will be involvedforrecovering the primary cost of investing. There are cumulative net cash flows forecasted which are the basis for calculating the payback period. This method is used by managementbyfinding out the smallest payback period. Whenever there is a dilemma of accepting any of the projects, the business managers have to initially find out the benchmark payback period. In case the payback period is lower than this benchmarking then the finance manager can go ahead and give acceptance to the project (McCormick, Shuttleworth and Chen, 2006). However in case this paying back period is more than the benchmarking then there has to be rejection given to that project. This investment appraisal method also has a major limitation that it also does not consider the time value of cash. Once the payback period is asserting after that the cash flow is ignored therefore the salvage value is also a good mood. The major advantage of this appra isal method is that it is effective in calculating the liquidity and risk of the project. They ministers can use this as a way of getting additional prospective to find out how soon they can recover the initial investments they have made. This appraisal method is the rate of discount which provides witha worth of zero to NPV. Out of the entire set of capital investment appraisal methods, IRR is usually seen as way to assess the effectiveness of the capital venture. So in case the capital investment in business is computed as more than the IRR value, the venture is extremely possible to be discarded. A lesser cost of capital has extra likelihood of being allowed. There are different methods used like modified internal rate of return (MIRR), APV (Adjusted Present Value), profitability indexing, Equivalent accounting etc. MIRR doesn't actually provide with the yearly profitability of the invested capital because it doesn't keep in mind the intermediate tree flow of cash which is by no means reinvested equal to the internal rate of return of the project (Mekonnen Akalu, n.d.). So the internal rate of return a present method is also not very efficient because the real rate of return will definitely be lesser. This kind of limitation is undertaken by a better technique known as MIRR. Conclusion Each of the above stated capital investment appraisal methods are applied to rank the projects. Generally, firms have lots of projects that are appraised at the same time for making finance decisions. As the initial appraisal of a project is finished, it is evaluated and ranked in opposition to remaining projects. The projects under review are ranked as of having more Profitability index to least of it. The superior ranked projects are generally executed subsequent to cautious and comprehensive due diligence. References Baxamusa, M., Mohanty, S. and Rao, R. (2015). Information Asymmetry about Investment Risk and Financing Choice. Journal of Business Finance Accounting, 42(7-8), pp.947-964. Kare, D. and Herbst, A. (2014). Determination of the maximum investment in a capital project. Project Appraisal, 10(4), pp.261-265. Lumby, S. and Jones, C. (2001). Fundamentals of investment appraisal. 1st ed. London: Thomson Learning. McCormick, R., Shuttleworth, J. and Chen, S. (2006). Environmental assessment of Canadian trade and investment negotiations. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 24(4), pp.317-324. Mekonnen Akalu, M. (n.d.). Evaluating the Capacity of Standard Investment Appraisal Methods: Evidence from the Practice. SSRN Electronic Journal. Ro?hrich, M. (2014). Fundamentals of investment appraisal. 1st ed. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Savvides, S. (n.d.). Risk Analysis in Investment Appraisal. SSRN Electronic Journal. Serguieva, A. and Hunter, J. (2004). Fuzzy interval methods in investment risk appraisal. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 142(3), pp.443-466.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Anxiety Disorders

Question: Illustrate how it works? Answer: Anxiety disorder is a type of mental illness that can give rise to excessive distress. As Fusar-Poli et al. (2014) stated that, it interferes with the ability of people to lead normal life. There are mainly four examples of anxiety disorders can be found. They are such as panic disorder, specific phobias, and social anxiety disorders and generalized anxiety disorder. As Cuijpers et al. (2014) mentioned that, symptoms of panic disorder are like mental panic, muscle tension, dizziness, nausea and heart palpitation. It can occur due to a combination of factors such as environmental stress and changes in brain. Reference list Cuijpers, P., Sijbrandij, M., Koole, S. L., Andersson, G., Beekman, A. T., Reynolds, C. F. (2014). Adding psychotherapy to antidepressant medication in depression and anxiety disorders: a metaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ analysis.World Psychiatry,13(1), pp.56-67. Fusar-Poli, P., Nelson, B., Valmaggia, L., Yung, A. R., McGuire, P. K. (2014). Comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders in 509 individuals with an at-risk mental state: impact on psychopathology and transition to psychosis.Schizophrenia bulletin,40(1), pp.120-131.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy free essay sample

I found this piece to be extraordinary at the first listen! Its very different from any other Fall Out Boy song heard, and it has its own twist. The mixture of deep/high tones brings the piece all together. The lyrics also have a surprising touch; they have a deeper meaning to them that hits home for many listeners and fans. Speculation has been floating around ever since the single hit on April 27, 2017, and many conspiracies of what the song may mean have come to the surface. Some people choose to believe it represents the battle of anxiety. It goes from isolation to rage to anxiety and anxiousness. The lyrics within the song touch upon these sensitive subjects, if you listen closely. And if you watch the music video? Oh, that gives this song a whole new meaning! Fall Out Boys new music video also dropped with this single, premiering on the same date of April 27, 2017. We will write a custom essay sample on Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fans were surprised, yet excited to see the new video, and were equally confused as to what this represented. If you are a Fall Out Boy fan or have simply seen past videos of theirs, you would know that some of the themes of their videos can be quite dark. This music video isnt necessarily dark, but it is unique and somewhat confusing. After further research, it turns out that Fall Out Boys Pete Wentz has spoken out on the meaning behind this video: Its hard to rationalize rageits hard to quantify anxiety. This song does neither. It embraces the wave of those emotions. (from Within the video, you see the young girls parents are animals, and see how they are not only verbally abusive to each other, but to her. She sees that as animals because they are wild and uncontrollable and because of these things, her emotions, such as rage and anxiousness, get the best of her. Thats why she is seen running away from her home shes trying to find a lighter side of this situation. The video accurately describes these feelings. The song also plays nicely into it; both work together as a tag-team. If you havent yet, go onto YouTube and type in Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy and take a peek at the video. I guarantee you wont be disappointed.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


"Was there a missed opportunity for social revolution in France and Italy during and after the Liberation". For me to successfully answer this I would like to define what a 'social revolution' is. Marx defines social revolution as "a more or less rapid transformation of the foundations of the juridical and political superstructure of society arising from a change in it's economic foundations." (1) A revolution essentially is a sudden upheaval in society, which fundamentally alters the way, that society operates or who that society is run by. It occurs when the mass of the people desire change that their rulers are unwilling or unable to grant. It can not be the result of the action of a small group of plotters. It is also necessary to understand each countries position within the war and how they became involved. At the beginning of World War 2, Germany invaded Poland, causing France, Great Britain and Canada to declare war on Germany. In May 1940, Hitler's troops attacked the West of France. Then without encountering more than sporadically serious opposition, the German armoured divisions outflanked the Maginot line and raced through northern France. Paris was occupied on 14th June. Italy was dragged into WWII by the course of the events rather than a strong combat will. This feeling was shared with every Italian. Mussolini knew all too well that his country, just a few months after it's adventures in Spain and Africa, didn't have the strength to fight a new war. The Italian army was severely unprepared for any campaign as the defeats in Greece, Africa and Russia made clear. When the allies turned their attention to Italy with the invasion of Sicily, the people's rage went! over the top and after the conviction of Mussolini in July of 1943, Italy started discussing a secret armistice with the Allies. Italy never really surrendered, but just changed sides. It is very easy to fall into the tray of believing tha...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organisational Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 4

Organisational Change Management - Essay Example Whatever kind of change in an organisation, people end up being affected because an organisation is made of people. Moreover, people are afraid of change even in the rare cases where change may actually be directly beneficial to them. This can be seen in instances where an organisation wants to buy a new system to make work for the employees easier, yet the employees get sceptical about change. This paper is a case study analysis about an auto manufacturing firm that is about to go through a process of change. The 5D Appreciative Inquiry will be used to determine the issues in the case study and also in developing possible solutions. A closer look at the case reveals a number of issues that are directly linked to change management. These problems can be classified into two main categories as follows; Issues leading to a need to change; Competition According to the case study, it becomes clear that the firm is suffering from increase competition in the market. Competition has intensif ied in the market, thus making it harder for the organisation to restructure its operations in order to absorb the shock waves caused by this increased competition from the market. This issue, combined with the next discussed issue has made the organisation to have no choice but to restructure its business model. ... One such issue is the fact that the firm has in the past failed to have a futuristic strategy that can help it to overcome such issues when they do show up. In a modern business world, it is important for such organisations to be always ready to deal with such issues because such issues are inevitable (Todnem, 2005). One mistake that the D2 has done in the past is the fact that it continued having distributed manufacturing while multinational manufacturers have in the past flowed towards centralised manufacturing in order to increase economies of scale and economies of efficiency. Issues that may make the change management harder for D2 No information With regard to change management, D2 is having a few issues that it needs to take care of. One of these issues is the fact that information sharing has not been achieved in the organisation. According to the case study, it becomes open that the junior managers and the workers are hardly aware of the imminent change and that even most of the managers are not yet aware it. This is a major error by D2, and it will lead to the negative impact on the change process. Any change process requires that all participants be well informed about the change way before the change is implemented (Poole and Andrew, 2004). Change process is always met with protest and resistance, and the more the change management process is informed to all the stakeholders, the easier it is for the firm to be able to overcome these issues of resistance (Kerr and Slocum, 2009). In this case, the fact that D2 top management has chosen to not inform the managers and employees in good time will mean that the employees are more likely to be angry about the issues. Involvement of the individuals The other eminent issues in the case study